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Jujutsu Kaisen dj - Atsukute Tamaranai
Jujutsu Kaisen dj - Irresistible Heat ; 呪術廻戦 dj - 熱くてたまらない
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2 months ago
9 months ago
Pretty good
Ahhmm speechless................aahmm aahmmm HWATTTTTTTTT
9 months ago
Pretty good
better than some ive read 😃
a year ago
Sucks big time
it would be great of it was about like smit and stuff but its about a ship that has a 85 year old age gap.. Like ew..
a year ago
Sucks big time
I can't believe I have to explain why this is weird. This oneshot is shipping a 100 plus year old being aka sukuna with a 15-16 year old high schooler aka megumi.
The people who are fine with this ship probably thought "Oh,it's in yuji's body, and he is a high schooler." Yes a High schooler, who shouldn't even be sexualized especially since they are technically freshman so again 15-16 years old. The people who ship this probably ship hisoka and gon. The anime/manga community is already steropyed for being really weird. This just adds to people's point that it is. There are still a lot of people who are afraid to say that they like anime and ect, because of the reputation of this community and it won't get better if we normalize pedophilic ships such as this one. Be better and do better. And if you want to reply with your opinion on this I'm open to reading and possibly replying if it's actually going to lead up to a nice convo. I don't want to argue with any discord mods about why they think this ship is appropriate, and why Boku no pico is probably their favorite anime. This isn't ment to hate but to open people's eyes, but if you see it as hate, see it as you want Irdk.
The people who are fine with this ship probably thought "Oh,it's in yuji's body, and he is a high schooler." Yes a High schooler, who shouldn't even be sexualized especially since they are technically freshman so again 15-16 years old. The people who ship this probably ship hisoka and gon. The anime/manga community is already steropyed for being really weird. This just adds to people's point that it is. There are still a lot of people who are afraid to say that they like anime and ect, because of the reputation of this community and it won't get better if we normalize pedophilic ships such as this one. Be better and do better. And if you want to reply with your opinion on this I'm open to reading and possibly replying if it's actually going to lead up to a nice convo. I don't want to argue with any discord mods about why they think this ship is appropriate, and why Boku no pico is probably their favorite anime. This isn't ment to hate but to open people's eyes, but if you see it as hate, see it as you want Irdk.
a year ago
as a shipper of sukana and megumi, I LOVE THIS
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