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Authors : Gaet Saeng Gaet Saeng

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Yaoi , Smut

Chapters: 102

Last update: a year ago

57 votes
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Xiyi🦋 6 months ago Rocks
10/10 for me! FOR ME.
I almost didn't finish this because it's super annoying BUT the plot got me so hooked and the slow burn?!!!!! My gosh, I read this overnight and it was worth it. Please give it a try, don't give up in the middle😭
ahRIKI 11 months ago Rocks
Just read whole available story on Manta, like everyone else feel 1/3 of the story is missing..yet what is there is great except for one thing.  The ending is too rushed, all wrapped up with a bow on top on one chapter .  Some characters , like Chairman Kim are underdeveloped, and Seungi future could have been interesting...

I loved the stark, expressionist art style that conveyed emotions by subtle glimpse.. Loved the angry, frustrated , manipulative Characters ..somehow they were amusing, not dark and depressing.

I would really love to see the original version...
(5) (1)
Fwop a year ago Pretty good
Could not keep up with all the business dealings and conflicts, but the Power dynamic of the mcs ist good
yosef a year ago Rocks
can't believe the low rating so gotta raise it. its a masterpiece *chef kiss*
butterflystory a year ago Pretty good
The plot itself is pretty confusing as they cut off parts of chapters which makes it frustrating..... The art style is okay. Kinda sad they cut out the spicy parts :( The main characters' relationship goes to a red to green flag, but it's okay
Elle Roosevelt a year ago Rocks
It a great story and the art is awesome and se** so I like it can't change my mind 5 stars ⭐️
Anonymous 23 a year ago Meh
Overuse of all the BL clichés. The art is pretty though, but it can't stand on its own. The translation is a little confusing.
(2) (1)
Lazyassweeb a year ago Meh
I would've rate this higher if they didn't cut all the smexy scenes!

Also I like bottoms who have pride and are headstrong but this one is too much for me.. too much pride and no strength of his own
Castel Marless a year ago Rocks
(3) (1)
snur a year ago Rocks
one of my favorite
Clozabel a year ago Kinda bad
This is bad and also boring.

Every character is an ass****, even the MC who you are supposed to be rooting for. The story progresses too slowly - I'm on chapter 40 already and although lots of characters have been introduced, nothing much has actually happened yet. There has been a lot of set up but it's just quite boring and it's not gripping me or making me care about the outcomes at all.

The s** scenes are completely cut out (not just censored) and I agree with another reviewer who said that it feels like a lot of story is cut out with them. I can't find the uncut versions anywhere else either.

Overall not worth my time. I'm dropping this.
Ivern a year ago Rocks

This is a masterpiece. And it is so based entirely on the characters and the writing alone. It's not a easy feat, and it's even more difficult to explain how this forsaken piece of sh** manages to be that. 

Let's start with what remains after the written parts are taken away for later. The art is good, and the s** is very hot, while the character design is great. Too bad it's censored. As in, completely cut out. Find the +19R official version and you will wa** happily, but otherwise is a no go for that. 

The writing. Give this baby a nice translation, and you got a complicated entangle of excellent dialogues and great narration form. Wait, I lied. You also need, in order:

1) to have some basic knowledge of financial concepts.

2) to have good knowledge about procedural and substantial law, and/or be a lawyer. 

3) to pay attention to what the fu** do they say in the speech bubbles. Yes I know, tragic. 

I should have all of these, but I also am under like, COVID. And it is currently killing me. So. Y'know. Right now I understand fu** all. 

But what even I under something like a 103F degrees fever, my lungs over there near the chair after I coughed them out, and my HEAD FUC**** KILLING ME AAAAAAA MAKE IT STOOOOOOPPP can somehow see now is: how great the characters are. 

Meet MC: a good lawyer. Like, morally fuc*** like all lawyers but kinda clever. He knows how to infer, he knows the rules (and so do Iiiiii IGNORE ME I AM GOING MAD AND VERY IN PAINNNN). But... he is curious. A curiosity fuelled by insecurity. Against his better judgement, surely, but about what? 

ML. An unpredictable, obscure man. What the fu** is he? Well, he fu*** good. (aaaa) And is dangerous, terribly charming, maybe insane? Driven by envy and desire. But also hot. That's important. Write that down. That, and how he is actually disarmingly sincere at times. 

The chemistry between them is the whole manga. Now read it. I give a GAI (Grand Acolade of Ivern™️) to it while I take another g****** Advil.
Yww a year ago Pretty good
I love this story!

But why did they remove all the hots scenes!? (it's not even censored they literally just cut it out) because of that not only did I miss the good scenes, some the words they said were cut out too, I keep thinking that I missed a chapter.
(5) (1)
Just Love To Read a year ago Pretty good
It's good story with some suspense lots of emotions but still it just just continue with flow. I don't know what it is what something is missing. Sometime it connect me with characters but other time not. So that why I give it a 4 🌟
Seth a year ago Rocks
Pretty good I like it,the art is so nice and the male caracters are hottt
Meoww a year ago Rocks
It so good
(4) (3)
M A D D N E S S a year ago Pretty good
its a good read even though it's censored. A lot going on && you have to follow along carefully. 
Readingblisasin a year ago Meh
Sorry idk they cut off a lot of scenes or what...I honestly did not enjoy it...excessive censoring ruined the whole thing
AshleyM a year ago Sucks big time
Wtf is even this
Linzz Chrono 2 years ago Pretty good
The story is very addicting for me. Prolly because I am not well versed in the business and ownership industry that it makes things even more interesting. Take this review from someone who has read until chapter 49

Story: 9/10
I could've put it into 10 if not for the massive censoring of the official English release from Manta. They are a publisher known for only releasing 15+ versions, so can't really help with it. However, I believe that some of the missing factors in this story are found in their explicit scenes where readers can see parts of the characters' personalities and developments to stir up the storyteling better.

Art: 8/10
The art is impressive, but not my cup of tea. Most prpbably the lack of expressions that I wanted to see from the main characters. The side characters makes up for it doe. 🤣 Lack of facial expressions makes me think they are too perfect for their roles most of the time. However, the panelling, pace, blending of BGs and settings, angles are superb on top!

Delivery: 10/10
I definitely like how things are paced, delivered, and panelled all throughout. The images are easy to follow and the coversations are always interesting with ice beakers in between serious conversations. I enjoy the subtle bantering and flirting for sure. Based on the RAWs I got to take a peak, the explicit scenes were also easy to follow.
(10) (2)
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